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Tai Chi & Chi Kung

for Battling Parkinson's and Other Movement Disorders

Master Joe Nelson's Tai Chi & Chi Kung for Parkinson’s Program is a hallmark of achievement in the fight against Parkinson’s and other degenerative diseases.  After over 20 years, it remains a premier program in the field. 


Under a rigorous scientific hospital study, the program Master Nelson developed was proven, in just three months, to reduce the number of falls 18 times (participants were 1700% less likely to fall).  The control group who did not train with Master Nelson’s Tai Chi program had 17.4 times greater odds of decline in motor functions (those who did not participate were 1640% more likely to worsen over three months). 

These significant, quantifiable results have been cited in over 24 academic and scientific publications, including the popular handbooks for Parkinson’s patients, What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Parkinson’s Disease:  A Holistic Program for Optimal Wellness by Dr. Marjama-Lyons and The Handbook of Parkinson’s Disease (4th Ed.).  Based on the study’s success, the Program was used by various organizations, including the Neuroscience Department of the University of Florida's Shands Hospital, the National Parkinson’s Association, and the Parkinson’s Association of the Rockies.

Master Nelson’s Tai Chi & Chi Kung for Parkinson’s remains, after over 20 years, a leader in the field, scientifically outperforming other programs.  Its success comes from the simplified, efficient program developed by Master Nelson using his medical and martial experience.  As a second-generation acupuncturist and internal and external martial arts master, he merges martial techniques with medical understanding of disease to create a program designed for optimal results.  This elite, effective, and simple training program aids in the fight against Parkinson by helping sustain and develop the individual's ability to balance and move. 

Seeing the impact of this program on the health and longevity of his patients inspired Master Nelson to create of this Tai Chi  for Parkinson’s Program so that the general public could have access to these simple techniques and practices.  


"I can stand up straighter than ever before." -  Parkinson's patient after participating in program.

"The Tai Chi program has improved my balance and movement.  I notice a difference all the time.  I have begun to train 4 to 5 times a week."  - Parkinson's patient and WWII Veteran

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